
Monday, August 19, 2013

Blog Hop Winner

I finally have the official list of followers who left comments on all blogs. Phew! That was a lot of work! I think I deserve a raise! lol ;)

We did not have as much of a turnout as we'd hoped for but we are a new store and I am sure by the time we're ready to do another blog hop, our numbers will be over the top! 

So the official list is as follows, in order of comments consistently left at each blog:

Avril Ann

Camille Short

These three followers left comments on all DT and GD blogs, became followers of all blogs, including Fitztown Challenge Blog and shared the link to the blog hop. Thank you ladies!

We did use and this is the official result:
Avril Ann is the winner! Please email with your choice of three digis from here or here. If you use the second link, please remember only Morgan Fitzsimons and Karen Sheltrown images are owned by Fitztown.

Thanks for playing along with our blog hop!
DT Ema


  1. OMG, How cool I am overwhelmed, actually, I am going to have 3 off those fab digis to play with, maybe I will not post the card I was going to, to the challenge...thanks girls xxxx

    skipping (well in my head) to the shop, thank you again xxxx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is great hop!!I found new very indresting blogs.congratulations to the winner.


Thank you for visiting Fitztown! Your comments are appreciated by the Creative Team! :)