
Monday, August 4, 2014

CT Member - Antonia Passer

We have a late comer to the new Creative Team (CT). Please help the CT and me welcome our newest member:
Antonia Passer
This is what Antonia would like you to know about her:

My name is Antonia and grandmother live in the province of Trento in Italy and join this CT makes me very happy!
I'm happily married and I have a daughter who gave me two beautiful granddaughters, one of 10 years and 7 years.
I love everything that is creativity ... scrap, creative sewing, home decor!
I began to create young and early in 2007, I met the world of scrapbooking and within me was born a loving passion.
I really enjoy making mini albums, LO, and card.
Much love retain the details of my life, to give way to create a page dedicated to the event that strengthens the memories and that remain in time.
I love challenges and new stimuli, I like to experiment with new materials and techniques, and then I find myself always looking for something new!

Thank you for taking the time to stop by to meet our newest team member. Please leave her some nice comments welcoming her to Fitztown.
CT Coordinator


  1. Welcome Antonia to the team
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  2. Welcome Antonia! Glad to have you playing with us. I look forward to seeing more of your work. ; )

  3. Benvenuta!
    don't know if i got this right but welcome

  4. Bravissima Antonia!!! Buona avventura!!! <3

  5. Complimenti Antonia!!! Sono davvero felice per te, ora aspetto di ammirare ii tuoi lavori !


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